An embodied path to more Love, Magic & Sensuality in your life.  


 This Program is for You

If You Want… 

 To Experience Your Infinite Magic

  • Maybe you're caught in the daily grind of managing kids, home, and work, or you feel overwhelmed and uninspired by the endless flow of responsibilities. 
  • Maybe it feels like something is missing, and you're yearning for something deeper and more meaningful! It’s easy to get caught up in the day to day responsibilities of life and forget the powerful wisdom that lives inside of you. 
  • If you want to tap into your ancient wisdom fully, this program will help you remember your wild and deep inner magic so you can live with more aliveness and wonder.

A Loving & Passionate Relationship

  • Are your relationships lacking depth, joy, passion, or fulfillment? 
  • Maybe things are going well, but you know there’s a next level and you’re ready to create even more connection, passion, and depth. 
  • Do you notice you bump into the same issues, concerns, patterns, and challenges no matter who your partner is? 
  • If you’re longing to love in a way where you can share your heart fully, this program is for you. 

 To Explore Your Eroticism & Sensual Expression

  • If you want to experience the aliveness and connection that comes from the power of your sensuality, this program will help you step into your full sexual expression. 
  • Whether you feel like you’ve never explored or embraced your sexuality and sensuality fully, feel disconnected, or just aren’t reaching the depths that you know are possible in this realm of your life. 
  • In Wild Love you’ll be gently guided out of your comfort zone to discover new aspects of yourself as a sexual being. You may not even recognize yourself at the end of this program ;-)

 To Rewild Your Feminine Nature

  • You might be longing to embrace the wild, untamed magic within you and change the negative beliefs you inherited about femininity.
  •  If you yearn for sisterhood and deeper connections, and feel the absence of feminine spaces in your life, our program offers the support and community you need to redefine your relationship with your feminine self. 
  • Step out of the societal pressures and expectations put on women, and liberate your true wild woman.
Schedule A Free "No Strings" Call To See If You're A Fit

Are you yearning for a deeper connection to yourself, your partner, and the divine?

Wild Love Is For..

  • The busy woman who is a badass at getting shit done in your life, but is tired of holding it all together. You yearn for a space that is FOR YOU that gets you out of your head and nourishes your bright soul and wild heart. After holding so much day in and day out you are aching for a space where you can LET IT ALL GO, and let the juicy, playful, radiant part of you lead the way.

  • The woman who feels disconnected from who she REALLY is, and why she’s here. The woman who tries so hard to show up for her family and life, and feels like the more you try the more frustrated and misunderstood you feel. At your core you just want Love, but feel stuck and don't know what to do. 

  • The woman in the thick of Motherhood who feels like it’s been ages since she came up for air. Who longs to reconnect with the part of her that was free and wild, who was bold and didn’t hold back. Who is aching to rediscover her pleasure and sex in this new body in this new life… Motherhood has shown you how deep your love goes, and how strong and capable you really are, but between the endless snacks, dinners, and cleaning… you’re longing to feel ALIVE again. How do you balance your sexual desire, your heart’s dreams, and your self care with the devotion of motherhood? What if I told you the best is yet to come?

  • The woman whose relationship means the world to you, but you feel lost. There’s love, but there’s also chronic dissatisfaction and disconnection. You want more from him but asking just makes it worse.. You want to bring more yourself but don’t know how to do it in a way that doesn’t feel like a burden or a complaint to him. You don’t feel seen and yearn to feel cherished and deeply desired again. 

  • The woman who wants it all. More juicy cosmic sex, more depth in your relationships, more dancing in ecstasy connecting to the divine, more relishing in the miracles of her life, more soul sisters.. MORE! You’ve tasted the nectar of life and are ready to dive fully into all the magic this life has to offer. Taboo practice in a sanctuary in Hawaii? Enough said.. sign me up! 

I'm Interested!

"Cassie has helped me through things I never thought I could get through. She helped me postpartum with accepting my new identity as a mother and how to embody my new feminine self in ways I never knew existed. Her gentle, compassionate soul makes you feel comfortable and cared for. If you ever get a chance to work with Cassie, I promise you, you won't regret it!” 

Rachel Caplinger 

“Kiana immediately made me feel comfortable and free to be as vulnerable as I wanted. Her energy is safe and powerful enough to make you want to dive into yourself deeper.”

- Lyndsi Richards

“I've been in therapy for years and have traversed more terrain with Sarah than with any therapist. Sarah takes it all to a whole other realm, realms i knew i needed to go but just didn’t yet have the right hand to hold. I’ve never felt safer to unravel with any human. She’s a creator and a space holder, a guide!"

- Audra Duke

Your Teachers


 Sarah Entrup

has been teaching tools of transformation for over 20 years. She is a teacher of intimacy, embodiment, and love. Sarah has a degree in Transpersonal Psychology from Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado (the only accredited Buddhist university in the US), and completed undergraduate and graduate studies at Psychic Horizons, in affiliation with the Berkeley Psychic Institute. She is an ordained minister with the church of Inner Light. Sarah is a certified embodiment, and sexual polarity teacher, as well as a mother to two incredible humans.

For more information on Sarah go to HERE



Cassie Schemper 

is an embodiment and intimacy teacher devoted to helping women and couples create more magic, depth, and love in their life and relationships. Her work is fundamentally about wholeness and embracing the fullness of who you are; the dark, light, fierce, soft, wild, innocent.. all of it! Cassie is here to guide women in honoring the sacred transitions and rites of passages in your life, and believes in harnessing the power of ritual and ceremony to transform your life and heal your lineage. She is a dedicated student of the Earth, The Moon, and Indigenous Wisdom. She is a Mother of two daughters, a Certified Feminine Embodiment Teacher, and Birth Doula.

For more information on Cassie go HERE



Kiana Reeves 

For over a decade Kiana has been working at the intersection of sex, embodiment, intimacy, pleasure, birth, and wellbeing. Her work is a holistic & somatic approach to the emotional, biological, personal, ancestral, and spiritual nature of sex & intimacy. She is a Certified Somatic Sex Educator & Sexological Bodyworker, Certified Embodiment and Intimacy Teacher, Certified STREAM Pelvic Health Practitioner, Full Spectrum Doula, and Mother of two delightful and wild humans. Her work has been featured in hundreds of magazines and podcasts including Rolling Stone, Cosmopolitan, and Allure.

For more information on Kiana go HERE

Schedule A Free No-Strings-Attached Call

Wild Love is a 6 month in-person and online women’s program designed to create more depth, sensuality, magic, and love in your life. It’s a unique opportunity to join a rich community of women dedicated to opening their hearts, be guided into deep practice in a safe container, and receive potent teachings on feminine embodiment, sexuality, and spirituality.


“Sarah Entrup is dripping wisdom meets orgasmic pulsing eros. She’s just this blend of lightning potent knowingness mixed with so much permission to expand further into my ecstasy then I ever have. Her programs will ground you, open you, set your heart and pussy on fire. Run, don’t walk.”

- Courtney McNabb


“What Kiana taught me about pleasure in four hours outweighs decades of cultural mis-programing... Kiana's gentle heart and intuitive compassion made me feel safe, seen and, ultimately, healed. If you get a chance to work with Kiana, do”.

- SW

“One of the most powerful, wise, and life-changing teachers I’ve ever worked with. Cassie has gifted us a deep remembrance and relationship of love, while reawakening our divine feminine power. You will never second guess yourself and your true gifts, after working with Cassie.”

- Danielle Vincent

Schedule A Free Call

 2- In-Person, 4 Day Retreats

Step away from the day to day, enter into sacred space, and remember the most important parts of who you are. These two in-person retreats in Sedona, AZ and Kauai, HI are the heart of this program. The value of being together in extended practice cannot be understated. 

 6 Monthly 2 Hour Program Calls

Part teaching & part embodied practice, these calls are the foundation of the program. They are essential for integrating your growth and breakthroughs into your daily life, creating lasting change. 

4 Group Coaching And Q&A Calls

These calls are where you can get personalized support and input about what's happening in your life. Questions about what you’re learning, your relationships, sex life, struggles - all of it is welcome. 

 4 Feminine Embodiment Practice Calls

These short & sweet calls are designed to support and deepen your practice over the 6 months, like a good yoga class. These calls are led by our talented Lead Trainers, and they’re a great way to infuse your daily life with energy, joy, and connection. Just show up and be guided.


Program Schedule

Program Call #1: October 10th 10am - 12pm pst 

Q+A Call (Optional): October 24th 10 - 11:30am pst

Program Call #2: November 7th 10am - 12pm pst

Practice Call (Optional): November 20th 9 - 9:45am pst

Q+A Call (Optional): November 21st 10-11:30am pst

Immersion #1 (Sedona, AZ): December 5th 10am - December 8th 12pm

Practice Call (Optional): December 11th 10 - 10:45am pst

Program Call #3: December 19th 10 - 12pm pst

 Program Call #4: January 9th 10 - 12pm pst

Practice Call (Optional): January 21st 10 - 10:45am pst

Q + A Call (Optional): January 23rd 10 - 11:30am pst

Program Call #5: February 6th 11:30 - 1:30pm pst

Q+A Call (Optional): February 27th 10-11:30am pst

Practice Call (Optional): March 5th 11 - 11:45am pst

Immersion #2 (Kauai, HI): March 13th 9am - March 16th 12pm pst 

Program Call #6: March 27th 10 - 12pm pst

Immersion #1

Sedona, AZ

Thursday, December 5th 10am - Sunday, December 8th 12pm

Immersion #2

Kauai, HI

Thursday, March 13th 10am - Sunday, March 16th 12pm


"Sarah is the most potent, inviting, creative, alive, feminine embodiment teacher I have ever worked with. She gives us such permission to go there, to go towards whatever is true, whatever is here while also cultivating such a healthy and safe, yet sovereign space."

- Kristen Masi


The 3 Pillars of WILD LOVE

  • Learn to magnify the energy in your body, awaken your senses, and live your life turned on and fully alive. 
  • Transform numbness and disconnection into exquisite sensitivity and openness. 

  • Learn how to gracefully move through the waves of your emotions.

  • Activate the pulsing electricity of pleasure, and allow the wisdom of your body to speak and be heard. 

  • Open your body and let yourself be guided by the divine. 

  • Discover more of who you are, awaken your natural gifts and make your life a vibrant work of art.  

  • Archetypes we will work with: Wild Woman / Priestess / Healer / Witch / Animals

  • Living as a mature sovereign woman requires us to tend to the little one within. Whether your little one is the good girl, the people pleaser, or the princess, learn to recognize the ways your little one may still be running the show, and become rooted in your wise Queen. 
  • Become skilled at moving through states of freeze or fawn into clarity and intentional vulnerability. 
  • Build confidence and learn to trust yourself through practicing the art of discernment, creating boundaries, and strengthening your intuition.
  •  Deepen your relationship with your inner Wise Woman, and move through the world with strength, wisdom, and grace.
  • Archetypes: Queen / Oracle / Kali / Wise Woman / Crone / Inner Child / Maiden / Sacred Masculine

  • Step into your full sexual expression. Whether you feel like you’ve never explored or embraced your sexuality and sensuality fully, feel disconnected, or just aren’t reaching the depths that you know are possible in this realm of your life. 
  • Fully awaken your erotic body so you can create more depth, intrigue, and fire in your sex life (with yourself or with a partner). 
  • Learn the sacred dance of sexual polarity so you can flow more effortlessly and feel more empowered in your most intimate relationships. 
  • Venture into the expansive range of sexual textures and discover your deepest desires and pleasure.
  • Archetypes: Sacred Slut / Dark Lover / Devotional Wife / Seductress / Erotic Goddess 
I'm Interested!

 Benefits and Outcomes  

  • Feel soft, open, and grounded in your body; and experience more radiance and aliveness
  • Reconnect with your wild feminine nature 
  • Develop a healthy relationship with your body, heart, and intimate connections
  • Experience deeper, more soulful relationships, and transform relationship patterns
  • Embrace your sexuality and sensuality with bold confidence; enjoy hotter, more fulfilling, and spiritually connected sex.
  • Claim your desires and needs fully, and learn to evoke them in your life with ease and magnetism 
  • Unwind shame and self-judgment, and experience deep rooted confidence

“Working with Cassie fundamentally changed my view of my own femininity and my relationships with other women. She provides a safe, supportive environment to explore whatever comes up - the good, bad, and the ugly.”

- Alli Gutenkunst



Unleash your magic and embody your fullest expression in our 6-month program designed for women who want to live a life full of depth, magic, sensuality, and embody love in every aspect of their life.





Payment plan available (6 monthly payments of $525)






Payment plan available (6 monthly payments of $975)

Price does not include travel or room and board for the in person immersions. 






Payment plan available (6 monthly payments of $1,300)

Price does not include travel or room and board for the in person immersions. 


It is our intention to create a community that is mutually beneficial and abundant, and we would love your help in spreading the word about WILD LOVE!

For every woman you personally bring into the program, you will receive 15% of their tuition (between $450 - $1,125)*. Invite your best friends, sisters, and co-workers. Who would you love to go on this journey with? We all need the blessing of a community of women in our lives! 

*Must be someone new to our network.

Have questions? Schedule a call with one of us

5 scholarships available for BIPOC and single Mothers. Please schedule a call with us if you’re interested in applying. 

If you’re interested in additional 1-1 support please schedule a call with us.

A Message From Kiana, Cassie, and Sarah

Offering this program is a full circle moment for the three of us :-) We actually met in a women’s program similar to this, John Wineland’s Embodied Women’s Relationship Immersion, back in 2020! It was an unforgettable experience that birthed this lifelong friendship and changed the trajectory of our lives in the most beautiful way. 

Something indescribable happens when women come together in devotion to Love. There is a palpable magic that is undeniable. In fact, women in nearly every ancient culture have been circling together to dance, pray, learn, and express since the beginning of time. 

We believe that the journey of Wild Love is actually just a remembrance of timeless truths that have always been alive in us, waiting to be awakened. Sisterhood is our birthright. Pleasure is our birthright. Love is who we are.

When you envision the life you’d love to create, you likely imagine one with a deeply fulfilling intimate relationship, sex that just keeps getting better and better, the joy of experiencing everyday miracles, and holding a profound sense of devotion to your purpose. 

We are here to guide you in making this vision a reality through Wild Love. This journey is a potent and accessible starting point to a life full of magic and depth.

We’re honored and beyond excited to lead you through this journey of awakening and self discovery.


“Kiana creates a safe and supportive space for individuals to explore/meet themselves at their own pace. For me, my first experience with Kiana was liberating, healing and educational. I appreciate her guidance and the tools she offers individuals and the group. I left feeling that although we (in the group) may be different a lot of us all experience the same feelings and we are not alone. This is where healing begins.”

⁃Nicole Riviere


Still Have Questions? Contact Us.